3D Printer meetup #3
09 March 2013 at 4:56 pm

Last weekend, I organized the third 3DP meetup in Oslo together with @kefir from reprap.no. Quite a good turnout of people and 14 different printers there. My two favorites were the Adapto printer that is using pretty much only parts that are avilable in normal hardware stores. How’s that for RepRap? The other favorite were the two Rostock printers being built by two AHO-students. Very cool to see these in “real-life” and I could even help a tiny bit so that was fun as well.
The next meetup should be some time in May and I’m REALLY looking forward to see Johan’s DuoHex machine! It has one of the smartest RepRap designs I’ve ever seen, using Hexagonal rods to drive a dual extruder design. Below is a short video showing the different machines at the event and here’s some nice pictures that Kjetil took.