Using Feather RP2040 with Adafruit’s Music Maker FeatherWing
20 April 2022 at 9:15 pm

Been a while since my last update, but I’m just very busy making the next product for Roest while lecturing at the same time as doing small jobs in between. Anywho - I found something today that I wanted to share for others to find.
For a customer project I’m putting together a sensor-triggered audio player. The basic idea is to have the Music FeatherWing play sounds when an Ultrasonic Sensor is triggered. I really like using the Feather RP2040 and for small projects like this, I use it with the Arduino IDE using Earle F. Philhower’s very nice setup.
I had expected that using the RP2040 would be straightforward, but it kept failing. The pinout above indicates that the Feather RP2040 has pin numbering like an Arduino where D5 is digital pin 5. It’s not. Instead it’s the GPIO numbers you should use, so instead of D5, you should just use the number 7 since that’s the GPIO for the pin marked D5. It appears that D5 is defined, but serves no purpose on RP2040. I don’t have time to test it right now, but I’m sure this is easily fixed with a Pull Request to Adafruit. I’ll try to find time for it soon, but to use the Adafruit Music Maker FeatherWing, just use the defines below:
#define VS1053_RESET -1 // VS1053 reset pin (not used!)
#define VS1053_CS 8 // VS1053 chip select pin (output)
#define VS1053_DCS 10 // VS1053 Data/command select pin (output)
#define CARDCS 7 // Card chip select pin
#define VS1053_DREQ 9 // VS1053 Data request, ideally an Interrupt pin
Picture credit: Kattni Rembor @ Adafruit (CC BY-SA 3.0)