11 June 2012 at 2:09 pm
Blogger: Jens Christian Brynildsen
Profession: Freelance developer
Company website: https://maketronics.no
Location: Oslo, Norway
Email: “jensa” at this domain
Twitter: @jenschr
About this site
Flashgamer.com is my private blog and it’s about the things I like and play with at the moment. This means 3D printing, microcontrollers like Arduino and Teensy, software I use for work, inspiration, tips and lessons learned while working on client projects and more.
About Jens Christian (aka Jensa)
Jens has been working with software since 1994. He started with Asymetrix ToolBook, shifted to Director and then moved over to Flash when version 3 came out. Now that Flash has died, you’ll find him playing with other frontend tech such as Javascript & C/C++-based tools and hardware. Jens has created more than a hundred Flash games (thus the name of this blog) but he also makes web/standalone applications, does workshops and other consulting. These days, most of his projects involve electronics design and firmware in some regard. Check the #projects category for examples.
He lectures the Embedded Systems, Machine to Machine Communications (2016-2022) and Edge to App at Høyskolen Kristiania and he also wrote these topics for the school. He also shares his knowledge about 3D printing, electronics, machine building and microcontrollers at Oslo’s largest hackerspace Bitraf.

Looking back
In 1994, Jens co-founded Netron. Initially Netron only did presentations using Asymetrix Toolbook and later Macromedia Director. In 1999, Netron became the first Norwegian Flash consultancy, doing exclusively Flash related work. In May 2006 he left the company to go freelance, but Jens still enjoys working with Netron from time to time.
With the help of some good friends in the community, he maintained the site Flashmagazine.com until 2012. Since it’s start back in March 2000, it became a popular site with Flash Designers and Developers. Flashmagazine is currently more like a historic archive featuring 1500+ articles about the rise and fall of the Flash Platform and the community around it.
Jens also co-founded Flash User Group Norway (FUGN) with buddies Paulo Fierro and Øystein Wika. The User Group had regular meetings the first Monday every month from 2007 to 2012. He was also part of the team behind the Open Source 3D Engine called Away3D. Jens is currently an active contributor to the Bitraf Hackerspace and the Framsia and CTO communities.
Some random facts about me:
- I’ve been playing with computers since I was 11 when my father bought a Sinclair ZX81. I got a C64 after that.
- I’m not a computer professional in terms of education, but I can brag about being a Certified Sound Engineer. I worked as an engineer/dj in commercial radio for a couple years, but I’ve barely used the audio part of my education since I shifted to computing.
- I’ve published two books about Flash (in Norwegian), but I don’t think I’ll ever write a book again. These days I prefer to spend my time on Communities and Open Source projects instead.
- I’m a family man. I’ve got two kids, a lovely wife and we live on the outskirts of Norway’s capitol Oslo
- I snowboard whenever I can. I also love skateboarding, but I suck at it.
- I have many 3D printers and love experimenting and pushing the borders of what I can make