Hall sensor testing
14 January 2020 at 8:41 am

For a personal project, I’d like to use Hall sensors to measure water level. But how do you pick a Hall Sensor when they all claim the same characteristics?
For this test, I ordered 3 different Hall Sensors in SOT-23-3 package. All 3 are omnipolar, so they will react to both North and South magnets. They all claim to have a Operation Point of 40 gauss, noted as “Bops”. The Max Bops value is a little different, but in theory, they should all trigger at the same distance. Guess what? They don’t:
Hall Sensor Model | Trig with 8x3mm round Neodym | Trig with 60x15mm square Ferrite |
CC6201ST | 11 mm | 21 mm |
AH180-WG-7 | 14 mm | 25 mm |
APX8132AI-TRG | 15 mm | 33 mm |
I measured this quite roughly using calipers held up next to the magnets, but the deviations between the sensors are quite significant. So - why the difference? How can they all claim the same capabilities in the datasheet and still be this different?