Mike Downey comes to Oslo
15 December 2007 at 2:41 am
Sweet - finally a visit from “the mothership” to little Norway 😊
January 31st 2008, Mike and several other Adobe evangelists (Stephanie Sullivan Greg Ewis and Jason Levine) will head to Oslo, Norway for a free full day conference. There will be sessions on Flex, AIR and AS3 with Mike as well as Photoshop, Fireworks, Dreamweaver and AJAX. These free one-day things are usually pure marketing, but this looks like it could be quite interesting.
Mike has his sabbatical right now - one of the nice things with working at a big company like Adobe. If I remember correctly, Adobe offers six weeks and Macromedia used to offer eight weeks after working a certain time. Probably very well deserved as he’s been doing nothing but traveling for a really long time now… If it wasn’t for this, I’d invite him to visit the norwegian Flash User Group FUGN. I’ll shot him an email when he’s back in January 😊
PS: If you’re in Norway and didn’t know about FUGN - tell all your friends and colleagues and join us the first monday every month. The meetings are informal and hosted at bars (like the London FPUG). The informal atmosphere makes easier to ask questions and present stuff you’re working on. We don’t mind the beers either 😊
UPDATED: Turns out there is some kind of special event the day before and the FUGN members present at last weeks meet got invites for this 😊