Summer trip 2021
01 September 2021 at 1:16 am

We got most things finished in time for our big summer trip - a 12 day tour of the “middle” parts of Norway. We travelled to Tynset, Røros, Hjerkinn, Sunndalsøra, Kristiansund, Tustna, Smøla, Orkanger, Folldal and many other places. The theme for the trip was tiny roadside churches (they’re weird!) and mining!
Aside from this big trip, we also went to the Audunbakken Festival with the car. Nice to bring your own comfortable accommodation, but not so much the afterparty lasting until 5 in the morning 😊
What we didn’t have time to do
We got all major things in place apart, from the cabinet above the side door and some of the strips in the roof. By now, we’re really happy that we didn’t stress this as we found that a cabinet over the window would be annoying over time. We’ll rather build a narrow shelf going along there. We also didn’t get the insulation done for the doors, but during summer that’s not much of an issue. We did manage to swap out the old busted speakers and add a much better Android-based car stereo (8” screen). We didn’t get this fully setup though, but we could finally listen to music while driving. We can also use it to watch movies when not driving, but we have an even better solution for video planned for next summer.
What we would like to change
Both trips went really smooth and we are happy with all the major design decisions we’ve done. It’s not like we won’t be changing anything, but nothing felt very wrong. It was mostly minor annoyances that we can fix easily. One such thing is that having your burner in a drawer with lots of other stuff will make a mess every time you take it out. We’ll make it so it has it’s own easily accessible spot at the cost of a lower main drawer.
Another thing that we want to change is the table. The current size makes it a little annoying to stow and we typically won't need a table big enough for 4. The plan is to make this foldable, so it can still support 4 dining, but typically will be half the current size. We'll also find a way to prevent it from bumping the veneer when we forget to secure the table.
Here’s some pics from this summers trips: