Winter insulation and tweaks
01 November 2021 at 2:12 am

After the summer trip, work kicked in high gear and none of us had much time to work on the van, but I now have a working solution for the burner, AM finished the curtains and we got further on the insulation.
Taking what we learned during out trip, we want to have the stove easily accessible at all times. By reducing the height of the upper drawer (above the fridge drawer), we can get a permanent place for the burner that is easily accessible. You just lift part of the bench and fire up the burner. This also leaves room for a small drawer where we can fit cutlery and such. We didn’t get this fully finished as it needs to have metal coverings around the burner to prevent fires and spill, but it’s not much work on it left.

One this we didn’t finish before heading off was insulating the doors. Now both the side doors and the back door are insulated and covered with ply. We were unable to source more of the birch ply that we had used before, so we used 4mm pine instead. It’s not anywhere near as pretty, but apart from the main door, they’re all kind of hidden away. We might redo the main door if it annoys us and we have the time. This will do for now.